Training Module

  • QEvalPro introduces Coaching module as a lucrative platform to offer coaching sessions for agents. The interface instigates training environment on some specific questions where the agents have been found underperformed during an evaluation.
  • Two types of coaching formats are facilitated by QEvalPro. These include-
    • Program wise training
    • Parameter wise training
  • Both formats of training sessions can be activated in a QEvalPro form. To do so, a user needs to check “Training Required?” while creating a form. This is as shown below-

  • A form must include any one of the formats for training validation.
  • If a form doesn’t have a program wise training then it should include parameter wise training for all training questions
  • Both the types of training modules are created from Admin panel. This is as shown below-

  • An agent will be able to view the type of training format in his/her dashboard only after being authorized from Admin like the one as shown below-

  • Clicking on the tab highlighted above, the agent will be able to view the total number of open and closed training stats-

  • The status of agent’s training process is also reflected in the dashboard of agent’s supervisor. However, a supervisor will only be able to view agent’s training status after being assigned “view” rights from Admin-


  • Clicking on the above tab, supervisor will be able to view the training status completed by an agent under a grid like the one as shown-

  • The coaching module also generates reports for Parameter wise and Program wise training modules respectively. The reports could be viewed via Reports>Trending Report

  • Clicking on the above link, admin will be redirected to the Training Report interface-

  • Entering required entities in the field, the system will generate the report by clicking Search button as shown in the below screen-

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