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7 Criteria That Should Not Be Missed in a Scorecard

The significance of a scorecard is no longer a secret! Contact centers are gradually adapting the concept of customized scorecards over maintaining a spreadsheet. Scorecards help managers to observe the before and after results of the contact centers. Still, there are a few significant areas to achieve better results from the scorecards.


What is the end goal of the customer support services?

To have the highest customer satisfaction score?

As every contact center is in the same race to achieve higher CSAT, a quality scorecard can make you stand out.

Ideally, an agent should resolve the customer’s problem without violating any of the business processes. Though to track if this has correctly happened, a scorecard should include the following criteria:

  1. Understanding the problem: Every scorecard should have the possibility to rate the understanding of the agent about the customer’s problem. Additionally, the agent needs to carefully listen to the customer to understand the problem better.
  2. Showing respect: Many customers with issues call for support. The agent should always respect the customer’s needs, problems, and time. All customers should be attended to with the utmost respect. The scorecard should calculate this criterion before drawing any conclusions.
  3. Offering options with the solutions: The same solution may not work for every customer. The agent should offer different options to the customer While evaluating agent’s performance, a quality analyst should note this and account for it on the scorecard.
  4. Following the rules and processes: As mentioned earlier, no agent should be violating the business processes and rules set by the management. There is no point of going beyond the processes and helping the customers. Any agent found breaching policies is a red flag that should be considered in the scorecard.
  5. Resolving the problem: Resolving the customer’s problem in the first call is a win-win situation for the agent and the customer. Every agent should do their best to resolve the problem right away whenever possible. A happy customer is the key to higher CSAT. This measure should be highlighted and given the highest weight in the scorecard.
  6. Closing effectively: Every conversation with the customer should be wrapped up with warmth and assurance. The customer should be confident enough to get all answers in the future from the support. The agent needs to close every interaction effectively and efforts should be marked in the scorecard. They can be a game-changer!
  7. Noting the key takeaways: It is mandatory for every agent to note down the key takeaways from the call. This helps the contact center to understand their customer’s pain areas and improvise on them. The scorecard should have the ability to rate the agent based on the notes made.

The business needs and objectives might not be the same for every contact center. Though mentioned criteria above are relatable to every business. Try including these in the scorecard and get better results for making strategic decisions!


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