QEval New UI User Manual

Vice President (VP)

Vice President (VP) user role grants access to the users to access only reports.

When a user logs in as a VP with his/her user ID and password, the system redirects to the following screen:

The VP console includes operational tabs like – Home, Coaching, My Universe, Reports.

Note: The above-mentioned tabs are based on access rights. Admin can assign separate rights to the individual users. To know about the access rights of the Vice President (VP), refer to Users Access Control.


VP Home Page

VP will have access to six main tabs on the home page:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Program QA Performance
  3. Overall QA Scores – Program
  4. Disputed Evaluations


Once the VP logs in, the Dashboard will be displayed as shown below:

Various analytical data will be displayed. Scroll down to view more and different statistics based on different factors.

The graphical representation of data will be displayed in the form of a Doughnut Chart, Line Chart, Bar Graph, etc. 

In order to generate any specific data in the Dashboard, VP needs to set the search filter. To do so, click on the Search Program button as shown below:

The VP will have an option to set the Client NameProgram NameStart Date, and End Date from the respective date picker options. Select the Save selected program? checkbox for the system to save the particular selected program every time the VP searches any statistic. Once the duration is set, click on the Search button.

The data will be displayed accordingly. A VP has the permission to view the performance of multiple programs, centers, and categories at a time.

The following reports will be displayed on this page:

Dashboard Elements


Today’s Evaluation

Displays the evaluation for the current day.

Total Evaluation

Displays the total evaluation for the specified date range.

Total Autofail

Displays the total autofail for the specified date range.


Displays the total number of evaluations that have been reviewed.

Not Review

Displays the total number of evaluations that have not been reviewed.


Displays the total number of disputes in the following states:

  • Open
  • Closed
  • Accepted
  • Decline

Programwise Weekly Score

Displays weekly data for each program:

These statistics are displayed in the Line Chart format.

On these charts, the weekly score is displayed for each program.

Click on the program name(s) displayed below the chart to view the statistics of only that specific program(s) as shown below:

Then, the statistics of only the selected program(s) will be displayed as shown below:

Similarly, VP can view the chart of the Weekly Score without Autofail for specific programs.

To view the legends, click on the Legend For Week as shown below.

The Legend For Week window will be displayed as shown below:

In this window, the date range of each week will be displayed for which the data is displayed for the Programwise Weekly Score with Autofail and Programwise Weekly Score without Autofail in the Line Chart format.

Programwise Weekly Total Evaluation Count

Displays the total evaluation count for the week through line graphs

  • With autofail
  • Without autofail

These statistics are displayed in the Line Chart format.

On these charts, the weekly count is displayed for each program.

Click on the program name(s) displayed below the chart to view the statistics of only that specific program(s) as shown below:

To view the legends, click on the Legend For Week as shown below.

The Legend For Week window will be displayed as shown below:

In this window, the date range of each week will be displayed for which the data is displayed for the Programwise Weekly Total Evaluation Count and Programwise Weekly Autofail Count in the Line Chart format.

Programwise Centerwise Score and Category Score

Displays programwise scores for the centers through bar graphs

  • With autofail
  • Without autofail

These statistics are displayed in the Bar Chart format.

The following chart displays the statistics of both programwise scores achieved by the logged-in VP with and without the Autofail on a weekly basis for different centers.

Click on the Programwise Score With Autofail displayed below to view the statistics of only scores with autofail.

The statistics of only scores with autofail achieved by the logged-in VP will be displayed:

Similarly, click on the Programwise Score With Autofail and the statistics of only scores without autofail achieved by the logged-in VP will be displayed:

Similarly, one can view the Category Score report.

Programwise Top 5 Agents on QA score

Displays the QA score for the top 5 agents in tabular form:

  • With autofail
  • Without autofail

These statistics are displayed in the Table format.

The following table displays the statistics of both programwise QA scores achieved by the top 5 performing agents with and without the Autofail on a weekly basis.

VP can view the QA scores for each program by clicking on the program name as shown below:

Programwise Bottom 5 Agents on QA score

Displays the QA score for the bottom 5 agents in tabular form:

  • With autofail
  • Without autofail

These statistics are displayed in Tabular format.

The following table displays the statistics of both programwise QA scores achieved by the bottom (poor) 5 performing agents with and without the Autofail on a weekly basis.

VP can view the QA scores for each program by clicking on the program name as shown below:


Tactical Coaching

Tactical coaching graphs assist the logged-in user to access the comprehensive agent-level coaching data. These statistics are displayed in the Bar Chart format as shown below:

Click on the individual agent’s name displayed below the chart to view the status of only that specific agent as shown below:

Then, the status of Accept, Decline, and Pending cases of that specific agent will be displayed as shown below:

Tactical Coaching Status

Tactical coaching status statistics are displayed in the Pie Chart format. On this chart, the user can view the number of completed, pending, and unsuccessful coaching status as shown below:

For each statistic displayed on the Dashboard, the logged-in VP can perform the following actions:

View the Statistics on Full Screen

VP can view all the stats of the Dashboard in full-screen mode. To do so, click on the Chart Context Menu icon which is highlighted on the following screen.

Then, click on the View in full screen option.

The data will be displayed in the full-screen mode as shown below:

To exit the full-screen mode, click on the Chart Context Menu icon and select the Exit from full screen option as shown on the following screen:

Print Chart

VP can print the chart and save it in their local system as well. To do so, click on the Chart Context Menu icon and select the Print Chart option.


Download Chart

VP can download each chart/statistic displayed on the Dashboard in:

  1. PNG image
  2. JPEG image
  3. PDF document
  4. SVG vector image

Agents can also download the data in CSV and XLS format as well. 

To download this information in any of the above-mentioned formats, then click on the Chart Context Menu icon and select the required format.

The particular information will be downloaded into the local system.


View Data Table

VP can view the data in the table format which is initially displayed in the Chart format. To do so, click on the Chart Context Menu icon from the required category and select the View data table option.

The data table will be displayed for the particular category as displayed below:


Program QA Performance

On the Program QA Performance page, the VP would be able to view the weekly data for Voice Campaigns and Chat Campaigns.

The data also consists of an added field Trend.

The VP can print the data by clicking on the Print button as shown below:

Then the data will get downloaded into the system.


Overall QA Scores – Program

On the Overall QA Score page, the VP will be able to view the data of the QA scores – Week Wise, Center Wise, Category Wise, and Weekly Top 3 Defects Category. 

To search specific data on this page, the VP should set the following filters:

  • Program Name: Select the name of the program from the dropdown list.
  • Evaluation Form Name: Select the name of the Evaluation Form from the dropdown list which will display the forms based on the selection of the program.
  • End Date: Select the end date from the date picker option.

Then, click on the Search button, and based on the set filters, the data will be displayed.


QA Score Week Wise and QA Score Center Wise

These statistics are displayed in the Bar Chart format.

The following chart displays the statistics of QA scores achieved by all the agents week-wise and center-wise.


QA Score Category Wise

These statistics are displayed in the Bar Chart format.

The following chart displays the statistics of QA scores achieved by all the agents category-wise.

The above screen displays the data for different categories for every week ending like:

  • Greeting
  • Concern
  • Retention
  • Resolution Details
  • Conversation
  • Closing

To view the stats for specific categories, select those particular category names displayed under the chart and the data will be displayed for the selected categories as shown below:


Weekly Top 3 Defects Category

These statistics are displayed in the Bar Chart format.

The following chart displays the statistics of the top 3 defects category on weekly basis.

To view the stats for a specific week(s), select that particular week(s) displayed under the chart, and the data will be displayed for the selected week as shown below:

Select another week range and the data will be displayed for the selected week as displayed on the following screen:


Disputed Evaluations

This page displays the total number of disputed evaluations along with individual stats of Open, Closed, and Total disputed evaluations.

Click on any of the numeric data displayed for Open Disputes, Closed Disputes, or Total Disputes.

VP will be redirected to the My Disputes page and all the data will be displayed:


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