What are the Best Quality Monitoring Practices in the Contact Center Industry?

What Are The Best Quality Monitoring Practices In The Contact Center Industry?

Quality Monitoring needs to be the cornerstone of your call center management efforts. If you optimize quality monitoring practices, it will help you enhance the quality of the service your contact center provides to its customers, increase their efficiency and reduce wasteful spending. The benefits of optimizing your call center quality monitoring practices can help your contact center get a leg up on the cutthroat competition in the industry today.

Effective call center quality monitoring leads to better customer experience management and thus, it is of great importance for all call centers. Today’s customers consider how effectively their interactions are managed by a company as a crucial factor before deciding whether to do business with the organization or not. So, companies must opt for nothing but only the best practices to retain their customers while interacting effectively with them.

In this blog post, we will discuss the beneficial practices that can help optimize your approach for effective quality assurance in the call center, such as, the following:

Recording and Analyzing Calls

There should be sufficient data available with call center quality monitoring managers so they can fetch crucial insights from them. They should have a proper plan to select the calls for monitoring purposes. Although, understandably, it is pretty impossible to analyze each customer interaction with agents, and to just select a random number of calls for monitoring, is not effective either. It will not help managers get accurate data and monitor how agents are performing.


On the contrary, speech analytics technology can be pretty effective here. It helps call centers record 100% of calls and monitor call quality in real-time which gives a broader view of calls to the managers and thus, they can improve call quality monitoring.

QEval’s customizable proprietary call center quality monitoring software, can help you boost a customer’s overall experience. Speech Analytics helps to convert the voice to text. This converted text data acts as input data to QEval software, helping analyze customer interactions.

You can seamlessly integrate QEval with any speech & text analytics platform, CRM, call recording system, or dialing platforms and get access to real-time monitoring, advanced reports & analytics, and near-instant alerts to team members. Request a demo of our QEval here to know how you can leverage the power of technology to elevate both customer and agent experience while ensuring a high level of performance with effective evaluation, coaching, and engagement.

Observe the Entire Caller Experience

Listening to the complete conversation between an agent and customer to measure the agent’s performance properly and judge the call quality is one of the crucial roles of quality monitoring managers. The manager should be able to evaluate if the call can be categorized as a quality interaction.


Strong Start – Customers develop their perception based on the first few seconds of their interaction with an agent. The agent needs to use a friendly tone that assures he/she is there to help the customer. If the agent can make the customer comfortable, they will be in a better position to state their problems and ask for a solution.

Develop a Connection – Call center agents should exhibit friendly gestures and a willingness to solve customer problems to establish a connection with the callers. If they show care and concern towards the customers and respect their time, it will help them deliver a remarkable customer experience. Agents need to refer to the customer’s past interaction history to gain enough information so they can have personalized and smart interactions.

Solve Customer Problems – The customers are calling for a reason and need a solution to their problems. The agents need to understand that they should take complete ownership of such calls and try their best to resolve the issues.

Closing is Important – It is important to handle the close of a call efficiently or else the entire effort to deliver a memorable customer experience will go to waste. Customers should leave the interactions feeling satisfied with the service they received and look forward to reaching out for help in the future if needed. Agents need to be proactive to offer some additional assistance and ask if the customers are satisfied with the solution so the call ends perfectly.

Don’t Overemphasize the Call Center Metrics

In call center quality monitoring, metrics are crucial but focusing too much on metrics, such as average handle time, might not always offer good results. Your agent might close a call in a hurry just to cater to the next caller in the queue. This can deteriorate the call quality, leading to an increase in repeat calls and angry customers. It might be the case that a quality monitoring manager identifies an agent who has a high average handle time, concluding that he/she is not performing up to the mark. But the real scenario can be the agent is performing pretty well while attending a customer call and ensuring to resolve his/her issue. It can help amplify customer retention and loyalty. For this reason, managers should assess call recordings thoroughly to gain maximum insights into the quality of agent-customer interactions.

Make Your Team Members a Part of the Call Center Evaluation Process

Your agents should have complete knowledge of metrics and targets by which they will be evaluated. Irrespective of whether it is adherence to scripts, average handling time, or first call resolution, agents should know what makes a quality interaction. You should present your agents with live demos to gauge an in-depth understanding of a good, average, and bad call. It is one of the crucial responsibilities of managers to ask the agents about their constraints and issues while also trying to know their feedback about the practices being followed by the team.


It is part of effective call center quality monitoring to provide agents with their evaluations as soon as they are complete and ensure they have access to their scores on their desktops. Most importantly, agents need to be coached where they need to improve and trained about best practices to improve and deliver an effortless customer experience. Performance management is the most crucial aspect of contact center quality monitoring, focusing specifically on agent performance. Also, agents should be provided with feedback on time and ensure evaluations are tracked consistently so that the agents can monitor their progress and observe results.

Is your call center doing the quality monitoring right?

Contact us today to leverage QEval – a call center quality monitoring software- and gain access to critical business, marketing, and competitor insights with advanced evaluation, reports, and analytics.

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